Small Woodturning - Five Ways To Satisfaction in the Art and Craft While a lot of the direction in woodturning tends to be in the way of larger and larger pieces, there are advantages to turning small items. Here are three ways to develop satisfaction in the art and craft of woodturning by going small. One of the questions that haunts a woodturner throughout their career is how to get the ultimate curve and proportion for each piece turned. While this is one of those elusive, artistic questions without an answer there are times when a piece is very definitively on or off. For a large turning this may require a lot of wood and time to answer the question and if the result is poor the time and wood may be considered wasted. While it may be easily argued that this is a learning experience and that no education is without worth, there is an easier way to acquire an answer before committing to the large block of wood and time, turning small. ...
The most useful tips and hints for wood-turning tools, easy to learn ,easy to do.